Friday, March 6, 2009

Web 2.0 - Examples

Since the emegence of user-generated contents on the web and the increase in interaction between the online community, Web 2.0 has come a long way as a concept/principle which continues to define and shape a modern perspective of the world wide web. The Web 2.0 Conference, which took place in 2004 demonstrated an array of new possibilities which can and has emerged out of the principles which formed the concept of Web 2.0.

O'Reilly and MediaLive International has formed a
list of applications and sites which demonstrate and follow the Web 2.0 concept. Their purpose in gathering Web 2.0 examples was an attempt to define and differentiate Web 2.0 from the previous Web 1.0. A brief list which emerged out of this conference became something which illustrates the transition of applications and sites from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 based principles. This list of examples included:

Web 1.0 ---> Web 2.0
DoubleClick ---> Google AdSense
Ofoto ---> Flickr
Akamai ---> BitTorrent ---> Napster
Britannica Online ---> Wikipedia
Personal websites ---> Blogging
Evite ---> and EVDB
Domain name speculation ---> Search engine optimization
Page views ---> Cost per click
Screen scraping ---> Web services
Publishing ---> Participation
Content management systems ---> Wikis
Directories (taxonomy) ---> Tagging ("folksonomy")
Stickiness ---> Syndication

O'Reilly website. Online,, 2008 last accessed 15 March 2009.

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